Ingredients: Fish
Caloric content per 100 grams (kbzh):
For this simple dish, you can choose any fish and vegetables you like. On a baking sheet, in foil, in a sleeve - in all these ways
Terpug is a popular fish in our country, it is valued for its nutritional properties. The rasp makes a delicious and satisfying dish for lunch or dinner.
Bruschetta is a toasted slice of bread filled with a variety of fillings - from fish and seafood to tomatoes and poached eggs. This Mediterranean
A bright dish for your family table is flounder fried in a pan. Crispy fish can be cooked in chunks, whole, with vegetables or sauces.
Flounder dishes are for real gourmets. Fish can be baked easily in the oven in a variety of ways. This product can be served for dinner.
Pink salmon is an incredibly healthy fish that does not lose its properties not during conservation, not during heat treatment. Having a jar of canned fish you can
Kulebyaka is a special type of closed pie with different fillings. A large amount of filling makes this pastry stand out among others. The article contains 10 recipes
Appetizing baked sea bass belongs to the Mediterranean cuisine. If you want to cook a real restaurant dish at home, then use
Salmon is a very healthy fish full of vitamins. Thanks to the creamy sauce, it turns out to be tender and juicy. We offer you cooking options
Fish is a tasty and healthy product, and grilled fish is doubly delicious. And in the foil, it turns out to be especially delicate and fragrant, impregnated with its own
Salmon is a valuable and healthy fish. You can make a lot of different dishes from it, including soups. Salmon soup is one of the healthiest soups. She...
Trout is not only a healthy fish, but also incredibly tasty. However, few people know that you can please yourself with this delicacy not only at home, baking
There is an opinion that ukha is not the most popular soup. Some do not like it because of the specific taste that the slave gives. Some people don't like the process
Pike perch fish soup has a special delicate taste and special usefulness. This dish is easy enough to prepare, so it is one of the most popular.
This dish has a very rich taste and incredible aroma. The soup turns out to be rich and not at all fatty. Perfect for your lunch
Trout fish soup is perfect for people who monitor their diet, and it will be especially useful for people with vision problems and gastrointestinal diseases.
The national Russian fish soup is prepared in many families. The popular dish is ideal for picnics and hiking, so it is best to cook it over a fire in a cauldron.
What could be tastier than a rich and thick red fish soup. This soup is rich in protein and healthy fats and can be easily prepared at home.
Ukha is a wonderful, aromatic and very tasty dish. Despite the small amount of ingredients, it always pleases. We offer you a classic recipe
Ukha is one of the first dishes available to our ancestors. Over the years, the recipe, of course, has been improved and eventually such options for fish soup appeared.
This diet dish is great for a festive herd or a casual dinner. It is incredibly juicy, aromatic, but very healthy.
Intense taste, bright color, variety of vegetables - this is what makes trout fish soup not just a fish soup, but an exquisite fish soup that you can safely
You want hot soups not only in the cold season, but also in summer. Especially with such a variety of fresh seafood. If you are puzzled by the choice of the lung
Lohikeitto soup, aka ukha in Finnish, is one of the most delicate and delicious first courses. Its key ingredient is red fish of various varieties.
If you like to enjoy the taste of sushi and rolls, this article is for you. Unfortunately, they take a lot of time and effort to prepare.
Fish cutlets are an excellent dietary and tender dish that goes well with various side dishes and vegetables. We offer you a recipe for their preparation
It is not surprising, but the main secret of pike cutlets is lard! It is thanks to him that they turn out to be very juicy and tender. Such cutlets are usually served
Solyanka is a fairly wide class of dishes. Preparing hodgepodge is quite simple, so everyone can delight themselves with such a wonderful first course.
"Combined hodgepodge" is a phraseological unit that has become entrenched in everyday speech and is based on this very soup. It has an unchanging basis, but adding different
Each housewife prepares Caesar sauce in her own way. And they use this delicious dressing not only in the salad of the same name, but also in various meat and fish dishes.