Ingredients: Peking cabbage
Calories per 100 grams (kbzh):
1.2 G.
Protein0.2 G.
Fats2.0 G.
kcalThere are many recipes for chicken salads, all of which are particularly tender and nutritious. We tried to collect in the article 10 of the most delicious
A traditional hot snack for Koreans is not just a complete meal, but rather an addition to the main course. It has a sharp, harsh taste.
Home-cooked shawarma with chicken in pita bread To make the chicken shawarma juicy and appetizing, we will fry the fillet with spices in oil.
The classic recipe for homemade shawarma with chicken in lavash I want to share an incredibly delicious favorite recipe for the classic shawarma with chicken in lavash.
Chicken and pineapple salad is always based on two ingredients - tender white chicken meat and juicy fresh or pickled pineapple.