Caloric content per 100 grams (kbzh):
19.2 G.
2.1 G.
1 hour. 30 minutes.60
Trout is not only a healthy fish, but also incredibly tasty. However, few people know that you can please yourself with this delicacy not only at home, baking
2 hours 10 min.70
There is an opinion that ukha is not the most popular soup. Some do not like it because of the specific taste that the slave gives. Some people don't like the process
55 minutes70
Trout fish soup is perfect for people who monitor their diet, and it will be especially useful for people with vision problems and gastrointestinal diseases.
1 hour. 50 minutes120
The national Russian fish soup is prepared in many families. The popular dish is ideal for picnics and hiking, so it is best to cook it over a fire in a cauldron.
2 hours 20 minutes.80
What could be tastier than a rich and thick red fish soup. This soup is rich in protein and healthy fats and can be easily prepared at home.
1 hour. 15 minutes.40
Ukha is one of the first dishes available to our ancestors. Over the years, the recipe, of course, has been improved and eventually such options for fish soup appeared.
50 minutes40
Rich taste, bright color, variety of vegetables - this is what makes trout soup not just a fish soup, but an exquisite fish soup that you can safely
2 hours 25 minutes60
Lohikeitto soup, aka ukha in Finnish, is one of the most delicate and delicious first courses. Its key ingredient is red fish meat of various varieties.
3 hours 0 minutes50
If you like to enjoy the taste of sushi and rolls, this article is for you. Unfortunately, they take a lot of time and effort to prepare.
15 minutes.120
Tartlets with red fish and cottage cheese As a simple and tasty snack for your festive table, you can serve tartlets filled with cottage cheese
15 minutes.20
A quick and easy recipe for a salad with red fish and tomatoes An excellent option for a small light dinner is a salad of red fish and tomatoes.
1 hour. 8 minutes60
Salting trout quickly and tasty at home is not difficult at all. To do this, you need sea or river, fresh frozen, raw or chilled fish.
1 hour. 5 minutes.401
Trout baked in foil in the oven is an unusually tasty, very tender and nutritious dish. It can be prepared either from fish fillets or by baking it whole.


